
Mahi Tahi Akoranga Trust strives for a future where there are no Māori in prison. The Trust partners with iwi and local communities, and in prisons to deliver tikanga-based wānanga to break the cycle of reoffending.


Our Roots

Mahi Tahi kaiako provide mentoring support for whānau in jail or at risk of entering jail. The Trust has been working with Ara Poutama, the New Zealand Department of Corrections, since 1995 delivering wānanga at Corrections facilities, marae and facilities throughout Aotearoa. Our nationally acclaimed wānanga arose from promises and partnerships forged by members of the 28th Māori Battalion during the Battle for Cassino.

Promises to support whānau of the fallen have led to Mahi Tahi now being the country's leading provider of prison rehabilitation services. Our wānanga are focussed on increasing awareness of traditional Māori principles, values and disciplines. Our kaiako aim to strengthen or restore mana, and to motivate and equip whānau to live as law-abiding, productive family and community members.

Our Communities

The Trust works across diverse communities across Aotearoa New Zealand. With strong links to Ōpōtiki, we proudly deliver community-based wānanga to promote leadership skills through Māori principles, values and disciplines. Our long-standing relationship with the Department of Corrections has seen our kaiako deliver wānanga behind the wire in many different settings.

Our Values

Self-determination, ownership, control…

Tino Rangatiratanga


An ethic of belonging, kinship...

Guardianship of natural resources...




Caring for ourselves and others...


Our Direction


Kāhore he Māori ki roto i ngā whare herehere :
No Māori in jail


Breaking the cycle of offending through tikanga


Rapua ko te pai ka whakanui - seek the good and magnify it

E tipu, e rea, mō ngā rā o tou ao; ko tō ringa ki ngā rākau a te Pākehā hei ora mō tō tinana; ko tō ngākau ki ngā taonga a ō tīpuna hei tikitiki mō tō mahunga; ā ko tō wairua ki te Atua, nāna nei ngā mea katoa – Grow and branch forth for the days of our world; Your hand to the tools of the Pākehā for the welfare of your body; Your heart to the treasures of your ancestors as adornments for your head; Your spirit with God, who made all things.